Tuesday 30 April 2013

Film Noir Ingredients

The Ingredients to create a Film Noir, would usually include the use of:

- Police
- Murderer
- Gansters
- Mafia leader
- Police Informant
- Suspect
- Victim/s
- Two Femme Fatale characters
- Troubled Hero

- Clubs
- Mansions
- Small dark house
- Slums
- Casino
- Banks
- Police Stations

- Guns
- Knives
- Battons
- Police Cars
- Alcohol
- Money
- Men in suits
- Vans

Story elements
- Crime
- Thriller
- Suspense
- Killings
- Murders

Media Arts

Today in our media arts lesson, we revised all topics we studied in term 1 and we also talked about film noir. Some things we worked on are as follows:

Femme Fatale - a beautiful woman who knows what she wants and how to get it.
Police/Private Detective
Dark Mood

Cinematic Techniques
- Low key lighting
- Shadowy Shots

Blade Runner - The first couple of shots especially show Neo Noir as the as the setting a night and near shops easily conveys this. I also have very high lighting in particular shots.

Monday 29 April 2013

Neo Noir

Definition: Neo Noir is a cinematic style often seen in modern motion pictures and other forms that prominently utilize elements of film noir, but with updated themes, content, style, visual elements or media that were absent in films noir of the 1940s and 1950s.

Film Examples:
- Seven
- Blade Runner

Examples are as shown:

Sunday 28 April 2013

Film Noir

Definition: Film Noir is a movie characterized by low-key black and white lighting, a bleak urban setting, and corrupt, cynical characters. It is a cinematic term used primarily to describe stylish Hollywood crime dramas, particularly those that emphasize cynical attitudes. Hollywood's iconic film noir period is generally around the years from early 1940s to the late 1950s. Many of the prototypical stories and much of the attitude of classic noir derive from the hardboiled school of crime fiction that emerged in the United States during the Great Depression.

Film examples:
- The Maltese Falcon
- Double Indemity
- Laura
- The Big Sleep
- The Killers
- Out of the Past
- Sweet Smell of Success

Examples photos of this are as shown: