Sunday 19 February 2012

Creative Media (Character Profile)

Today was a very productive day. I starting working on my character profile from blackboard which was really fun. And I finished it, and this is it:
Name: Fayllon Crish
Age: 111
Current Residence: Planet Crinos
Occupation: Leader of the Air Fighters
Talents/Skills: Air Bender, Tactical, Martial Arts (all), Expert at Camouflage

Physical Characteristics:

Height: 6ft
Weight: 50kg
Race: Crinosian
Skin Colour: Lilac
Eye Color: Rainbow
Glasses/Contact Lenses: None
Hair Color: Turquoise
Facial Shape: Heart/Square shape
Distinguishing Features: Eyes
Style (Elegant, shabby etc): Elegant, Seductive, Classy, Strong, Wise
Dress/Clothing: Black leather clothes, dark clothing
Mannerisms: Playing with hair
Hobbies: Practicing Flying
Favorite Sayings: “The Best Things in Life aren’t Things”
Speech Patterns: straight to the point

Emotional Characteristics

Strengths: Meditating, Flying, Bending Air
Weaknesses: Being in tight spaces
What motivates this character? Being with the army before a fight
What frightens this character? Drowning
What makes this character happy? Flying in the air
Introvert or Extrovert: Extrovert

What is this Character’s Goal?

This characters goal is to become the people forever remembered hero and voted Queen of Crinos.

Intellectual/Mental/Personality Attributes and Attitudes

Educational Background: All straight A+ for everything she does
Character's short-term goals in life: Become a perfect flyer
How does Character see himself/herself? As a well done Leader
How does Character believe he/she is perceived by others? As a strong, wise, helpful ad kind Leader
How self-confident is the character? She is very self-confident
Does the character seem ruled by emotion or logic or some combination thereof? It is a combination of both
What would most embarrass this character? Being wrong in a war strategy
Best Characteristics: Fun, strategic, happy, kind, helpful, wise
Worst Characteristics: Mischief maker, two-faced
Does the character have any prejudices? NONE

Additional Notes on This Character:

-       Always likes to be outside

-       Very curious and always looking for something new

-       Very Selfless and always respects others who earn it
Adrenaline junky

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