Friday 30 March 2012

Term 1 Evaluation

Avatar Reflection/evaluation:

Respond to each of the following dot points (using complete sentences or paragraphs). You should include as much detail as possible in your responses.

·         Describe any problems or difficulties you encountered during the creation and editing of your avatar. These may include; technical difficulties, corrupt or missing files, knowledge of Photoshop tools issues. etc;

During the creation of my avatars, some problems that encountered was when I found out I had to get new eyes because the first pair was from Google and therefore copyright, it took a long time to find some new ones on flickr. Another problem that I encountered was my black leather jacket. While looking on flickr for a black leather jacket, I couldn’t find any that suited the avatar, so then I had to ask Mr Andrew whether I could use an image from google which he then did.

·         Explain whether your planning and organization (of ideas, files, inspiration) helped during the technical creation;

My planning and organization of everything that went into making my avatar did help with the creation because if I didn’t organize to borrow a laptop and do task earlier, I would of stressed and would panic the night before which helped with the time management of the avatar which helped in the process of the creation of my avatar.

·         Discuss whether you made effective use of the provided profile template to organise and prepare the required image assets and assist in the creative decision making process;

I did make a good and effective use of the profile template that was provided to organize and prepare the images and assist in the descision making process of what to do through good time management for example, borrowing a laptop at least once a week to work on the avatar an doing my character profile early so I can fit the avatar with the profile.

·         Clarify any time-management issues you encountered during the process and describe the steps you implemented to improve in this area;

During the time of creating my avatar, I did have one time-management issue, which was when I tried to get a laptop. I handed it in a lunch but since too many people needed them, I was to late to get one. Ever since I always handed them in at morning tea so I could assure that I could borrow out a laptop.

·         Discuss whether you undertook adequate and detailed reflection to throughout your project. Have you provided enough evidence to support your work? (Look back at your blogs/journals and think about whether it looks like a whole terms worth of work);

As I look back on my reflections, I realize I could of done a bit better at the discussion on each of the photos, but I overall did undertake the right steps in doing a detailed reflection throughout the term which I am extremely happy about.

·         List any skills, techniques or tricks you have discovered during the project.

While completing this avatar task some tricks I learnt was to do as many tasks as early as you can so you won’t have to stress and worry about the avatar 1-2 weeks before the due date.

Discuss your feelings about the Avatar task:

·         Are you satisfied with the final result?

Yes. I am completely satisfied that I did as much and the best work that I could to complete this task.

·         Would like to change any aspects of your avatar?

If I could, I would probably change the background sky to dark time in the angry photo of my avatar to make it more dark and evil to make it seem dark.

·         If you could start the project again what would you do differently?

If I were to do the project again I would change the happy expression to a sad or mad.

·         Are you pleased with the progress you have made in using Photoshop?
Overall, I very pleased and happy with the work I have completed.

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