Tuesday 15 May 2012

Creative Media Film

*Type of Animation: I-Stop Motion

*Title: Kung Fu Patchy

- "Patchy" (Panda, Best Friends with Grunt)
- "Grunt" (Dog, Best Friends with Patchy)
- "Sharpie" (Evil Penguin who hurts Grunt)
- "Arnold" (Local Police Snake)

- Park
- Jail
- Modern Day

- Chapter 1 ~ Introduction to film
- Chapter 2 ~ Sharpie is seen sneaking into a museum and is then seen stealing the Amazing Water Bottle that is an Elixir of life and immortality.
- Chapter 3 ~ We see two best friends walking in the park very happily and enjoying life
- Chapter 4 ~ As Patchy is about to leave and go home, Sharpie is seen running with the Amazing water bottle from police and pushes Grunt over as a casualty and then keeps running. Grunt cries and Patchy runs to see whether he is okay. Grunt says he is okay and points to the direction in where Sharpie ran.
- Chapter 5 ~ Patchy then runs after Sharpie and catches up to him and does and awesome sliding kung fu kick tackle in the back of sharpie's legs and it makes him fall over.
- Chapter 6 ~ Sharpie is then being seen take to jail by Arnold and before Sharpie is put in jail, he sticks his tongue out at the two best friends.
- Chapter 7 ~ Sharpie is seen angry and frustrated however he tries to push over the jail gate and it works. He then is seen having and evil laugh (saying 'Mwhahahahahaha) and ends with a close up on his face grinning.
- Chapter 8 ~ Patchy and Grunt are then seen smiling and happy. However as they walk away Grunt secretly pulls out the Amazing Water Bottle and smiles.
- Chapter 9 ~ Ending Credits

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