Monday, 10 June 2013

Media Arts

For the past few days we have been working on knowing how to format the shots we have filmed and formatting them into QuickTime. It needs to be formatted into Apple Intermediate Codec with unscaled. It then can be imported into Final Cut Pro. We then order it and edit the scenes. There are still more steps to learn but Mr Andarews said we don't have to learn that yet.

Monday, 3 June 2013


Teamwork during Pre-Production:

·         Describe any problems or difficulties your group encountered while developing your plot, concept and characters;

Some problems that my group and I encountered, was trying to film the things we planned for the one lesson that was to be filmed in that lesson. As some of the lessons were shortened because trying to organize the sets, the props, to get changed and also to explain what was happening in the scene to the actors was a little time consuming. However we did overcome this and got through filming very well. Another problem we encountered was trying to control the lighting within the scene. We had to use the light reflectors, torches and also one time we used a scarf to make the light soft. Overall it finished with the lighting to be just right.

·         Explain whether your group effectively used the pre-production and planning templates to help refine each idea prior to filming;

Our group effectively used the pre-production and planning templates well. We got them all from blackboard and we separated the work so Georgina and Hannah would do the first scene shot-list, storyboards, and script together where I would do the second scene by myself including the shot-list, storyboards and script. However I got more time as they did their scene first as we filmed there scene first. But overall the planning and pre-production went very well and near exact to plan.

·         Describe whether your group made effective use of their time in class during pre-production. (Did each group member; contribute; have set tasks at all times; know their role in the group etc.)

Each group member made use of their time in class during pre-production and the planning stages. Georgina and Hannah were working together to complete everything for the first scene. I worked on completed all planning for the second scene and Christie worked on her characters character Profile as she was the main character.

·         List some steps your group could (or did) implement to improve in this area;

-       We would first all come up with a plot and a paragraphed plan for it.

-       We would then each write up the whole storyline in a paragraph or two.

-       We would then write the character profiles.

-       The shot-list would then have to be started (spread out between different people in group).

-       The storyboards would then be completed (spread out between different people in group).

-       The Script would then be written.

-       The prop list would then be completed.

-       The filming schedule would have to be completed.

-       Then filming would begin.

-       Then we would check for any shots that need to re-shot.

-       Re-shoot scenes.

-       Check shots.

-       Edit scenes.

-       Check editing.

-       Export film.

Teamwork during Production:

·         Discuss how your group used storyboards, shot-lists, prop-lists and a shooting schedule to assist during the filming and decision making process;

While filming, the storyboards, shot-list and production schedule was extremely important. However I found that the storyboards were the most useful while filming as they showed exactly what was to be shown and what was to happen.

·         Discuss whether you made effective use of the provided templates to assist in the editing and decision making process;

Through the use of the templates provided this provided the perfect plan for what we aimed for in the editing process. Through the planning, this made the editing process seem very easy.

·         Did your group experience any organizational issues during filming, (i.e. members who were absent or did not contribute; finding suitable times to film; forgetting shot-lists, costumes; not booking equipment etc.) How did you manage or work around these difficulties?

Yes we did. It wasn’t during filming but it was during the re-shooting period. What happened was Christie had done something to her knee and was away for a few days during the re-shoot. We wanted to re-shoot some of her scenes, but we decided it would be okay with what we had. We still re-shot some other scenes but we overcame this issue.

·         Did your group complete all shots as detailed in your planning?

I don’t think we completed every shot we planned but we got most of the shots that were planned filmed.

Discuss your individual feelings about the rough edit:

·         Are you group satisfied with the final result?

We are very satisfied with the final result. However, we did expect it to be longer, but it was great none the less.

·         Does the rough edit meet the time requirements for this task? If not, describe why? (i.e did you expect it would be longer? is it incomplete? etc.)

Well it is about 3 seconds short. I did expect it to be longer. In terms of filming we did actually film about 10 minutes worth of film but we chose the best pieces of the film. We would like to film some extra shots if we had time but it was overall a very good film.

·         Does your film require additional scenes, or reshoots?

Yes it does require additional scenes and a little bit of re-shooting.

·         Would like to change any aspects of your film?

I wouldn’t change any aspects in terms of the plot of the film; however I would like to add some other shots.

·         If you could start the project again what would you do differently?

If I could do this project again, I would only try to film as much as I could.  

·         Did planning and filming take more or less time than you anticipated? Define why?

Filming did take more than I had expected. I thought it would only take about 2 weeks to film everything but it took an extra few days on the 3rd week.  

  • Consider whether you undertook adequate and detailed reflection to throughout your project. Have you provided enough evidence to support your work? (Does the work on your blog/journal represent 5 weeks’ worth of work).

I think I undertook a lot of work however I should have added a bit more reflection about each lesson this activity.

Concept Ideas and Poster of Ingredients

Today, I tried to find the poster of our A3 ingredients of a Noir film. However we were unable to because someone must have moved them or put them in the garbage. Everyone's is missing so I don't know what we should do.

Dot Point Plot Outline

  • Starts with a memory of the following:
  • A character is walking to work.
  • At the same time another character (victim) is walking down the stairs trying to figure out whether she has escaped from the girl (murderer) chasing her. She realise she hasn't and starts to run down the stairs.
  • Shots changes between the character (witness) and the girls.
  • Reach the bottom of the stairs.
  • Murder punches victim out.
  • Murderer sees witness entering.
  • Knocks her out.
  • Witness kind of sees murderer killing and taking the list from the victim.
  • Slowly wakes up to find a dead victim.
  • Memory ends.
  • Witness wakes up in interrogation room.
  • Agent asks questions about murder.
  • Shots change.
  • Agent gets very angry and slams his hand on table.
  • Agent gets the call in his earpiece that he has to leave the room.
  • Shot watches agent walk out and ends with door slamming.
  • The END.

Sunday, 2 June 2013

Idea for Story

It begins with the main character walking down a narrow dim lit corridor. They can hear echoing voices. When they open the door at the end of the room they realise they have walked in on a crime. They hear the door slam shut behind them and they get knocked out with a blow to the head. The fall to the ground and the shot blinks in and out of focus in the perspective of the knocked out person. There is the sound of a gun shot and a person falls to the ground dead. When their body hits the ground everything goes black. Suddenly a bright light appears and slowly the person who walked in on the crime comes into focus. They are being interrogated by an investigator on what happened. With each question they flashback to what they remember, but parts of it is missing. The story is about the person lowly regaining their memory and realising who killed the person and why they were killed

Production Schedule

Here is the shooting schedule we made, it didn't work completely to plan. We decided not to include any lunch/break/after school planning, we decided it would be best if we came up on the week if we needed extra time than just in class.

Week One of Filming:
Monday- Planning
Tuesday- Shoot beginning in lesson, part where Christie is walking and entering room
Wednesday- Continue shooting beginning where I die and Christie sees me dead
Thursday- Nothing
Friday- Nothing

Week Two of Filming:
Monday- Re-shoot beginning
Tuesday- Start interrogations scene
Wednesday- Nothing
Thursday- Nothing
Friday- End interrogating scene

Week Three of Filming:
Monday- re-film anything that is needed