Monday 3 June 2013

Dot Point Plot Outline

  • Starts with a memory of the following:
  • A character is walking to work.
  • At the same time another character (victim) is walking down the stairs trying to figure out whether she has escaped from the girl (murderer) chasing her. She realise she hasn't and starts to run down the stairs.
  • Shots changes between the character (witness) and the girls.
  • Reach the bottom of the stairs.
  • Murder punches victim out.
  • Murderer sees witness entering.
  • Knocks her out.
  • Witness kind of sees murderer killing and taking the list from the victim.
  • Slowly wakes up to find a dead victim.
  • Memory ends.
  • Witness wakes up in interrogation room.
  • Agent asks questions about murder.
  • Shots change.
  • Agent gets very angry and slams his hand on table.
  • Agent gets the call in his earpiece that he has to leave the room.
  • Shot watches agent walk out and ends with door slamming.
  • The END.

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