Media Arts: Music Video Production – Term 04 2013
Respond to each of the following dot points (using complete sentences or paragraphs). You should include as much detail as possible in your responses.
Teamwork during Pre-Production:
Describe any problems or difficulties your group encountered while developing your music video concept and deciding upon music;
A problem we all encountered while in pre-production was that it was hard to understand and decide on what ideas out of all us we would use because we all had ideas that we could use in the narrative but we only had a few we could use otherwise the clip would be too long and too confusing. However in the end, our ideas came together to create this amazing clip that we are all proud of.
Explain whether your group effectively used the pre-production and planning templates prior to filming;
We worked extremely productively and got everything done before filming. We were all extremely organised as we used the templates. In particular the shot-list was very useful as it helped us know what shots to film and not waste time pondering what to film and get filming done as soon as we could. Therefore I found that the shot-list template was really useful.
Describe whether your group made effective use of their time in class during pre-production. (Did each group member; contribute; have set tasks at all times; know their role in the group etc.)
All of our group made considerable amounts of contribution into this clip. We all had idea inputs and we contributed equally in terms of the shot-list, shooting schedule and storyboards. We all played our part in the production of this film. We all knew what we each had to complete and that if we didn't, the whole clip would fall apart. But in the end it all worked out.
List some steps your group could (or did) implement to improve in this area;
I think some steps we could have implemented was that we could have done the shot-list faster so we could have filmed more before the term started. I think we could have also made more storyboards so we could understand what the angle and movement was when filmed, therefore it would have been easier when we filmed all these shots. Filming would have also been faster as well so then we could have edited earlier and then finished earlier and there also would have been less stress. But overall I thought we did a great job with our pre-production anyway.
Teamwork during Production and Post-Production:
Discuss how your group used storyboards, shot-lists and a shooting schedule to assist during the filming making process;
My group used storyboards, shot-lists and our shooting schedule extremely well. Especially our shot-list as that made it easier for when we were filming to figure out what shots we were supposed to shoot for that particular day. It also helped when we started to edit as it helped when the shots were supposed to begin at the particular time of the song. The storyboards was also very useful as they helped us show what angle and movement we were supposed to use when we were in production. Therefore this let us get shots filmed faster. The shooting schedule was useful as it. Helped us plan for what days and time we were going to film.
Did your group experience any organisational issues during filming, (i.e. members who were absent or did not contribute; finding suitable times to film; forgetting shot-lists, costumes; not booking equipment etc.) How did you manage or work around these difficulties?
We experienced no organisational issues. The only time one person didn't come to a filming day at my house was when Charli had work but she couldn't help it so it was fine. It all worked out anyway and we were all very organised for when we filmed and edited. But one problem we encountered during filming was to try and keep the paint still there and not to have it fade away. To fix this we just re-applied more paint on our faces every few hours. Therefore we were all very organised and succeeded at overcoming any issues we faced.
Describe any problems or difficulties you encountered during post-production and editing. These may include; technical difficulties, corrupt or missing files, group related issues. etc;
One problem we faced while in editing was when I had my put all the correct footage into the wrong sequence. Once I had asked Mr Andrews for help, it took a while but eventually he fixed the problem by transferring all the edited shots over so I didn't have to re-edit them. But I did have to render all the shots which took a while because I was editing a scene that involved flickering between shots really fast but eventually I got it done.
Did your group complete all shots as detailed in your planning?
We completed every shot that was in our planning. We even got more shots just for back-up in case those shots we planned for didn't work out. Therefore we were very organised and got not only our planned shots but more shots as back-ups filmed as well.
Discuss your individual feelings about the Music Video Task:
Are you group satisfied with the final result?
Yes I am very satisfied with the final result. We put all our effort and time into this project and came out with a great result. Our pre-production went really well which formed a good base for the production and post-production. Production was really well done as we got all of our planned shots done but also more shots for backup in case those shots didn't work out the way we wanted. Post-production was also very good as we all edited our particular section and we did it and it fitted really well so overall I am extremely proud of our work.
Would like to change any aspects of your music video or its original concept?
The aspect I would have liked to change is that some shots could have been shot differently and I would have liked to get more of Georgina and myself running out of the house which we never thought of but now I think of it, it would have been good to do. I also think that I could have the made the flickering shots to red more flowing but overall I wouldn't have changed anything else.
If you could start the project again what would you do differently?
Well I would like to try and make different characters that were trapped in the cage. I would keep the song but I would have liked to have made the characters more clear about what they were because I think it was left to the imagination about what they all were.
Was it easier planning, filming and managing your time during this project than your first film? Why?
I think the easiest part of the task was planning as in filming there was a lot tot film and took a while to get everything in order to film because it was a lot of trouble just trying to meet up at my house. The editing was also very difficult as we only had one week to complete it and we had to try and edit it really well so it would be good so overall I thing the planning was the easiest part.
Did your treatment accurately reflect your video or were the substantial differences between the concept and final product?
I think there was only minor differences between the video and the treatment I had made. However we got nearly everything I wrote down matched the music video. Therefore my treatment accurately reflected my music video.
Consider whether you undertook adequate and detailed reflection to throughout your project. Have you provided enough evidence to support your work? (Does the work on your blog/journal represent 6 weeks’ worth of work).
I think that I undertook an adequate amount of work and reflection during the process of making my music video. I put a lot of effort into this project and I think that it turned out really well. Therefore I think a lot of evidence was provided on my blog.
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