Thursday 11 October 2012


This film made me feel intrigued and excited for more.

In your opinion, what was the most striking element of the film?

The most striking element of the film was the moment when the women was on top of all the animals and had the name, ‘Circus’ as the title on the left with all the animals around giving the idea that this was a circus.

List three other things that you found interesting?

Three other things I found interesting in the film was the music that went along with the film, which in my opinion went together really well. Another thing I found interesting about the film was when the ‘Master of Ceremony’ came out and started singing. The last thing I thought was interesting about the film was at the end when the women were on top of each other to make a pyramid, with the eye at the peak of the pyramid was very interesting and unusual.

What meaning did you think the artist was trying to convey?

The meaning the artist was trying to convey was that every part in a circus or anything in fact is a big part of how things work.

What is your overall impression of the film’s mood?

The overall impression of the film’s mood was that it was intriguing.

Did sound play an important part in your response to the film?

In the film, sound did play an important part in my response towards the film because it helped me understand the film better and got a better feeling of what the mood was in the film.

What comments can you make about the animators technique? (i.e. was it simple, complicated, smooth, jerky etc)

The animators technique on the film was complicated because of all the little thing they would of had to do to make it as smooth as what it is.

Do you think that this animation would have been well planned?

I think this animation would have been well planned.

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