Monday 22 October 2012

Digitopia Essay

The animator, Miwa Matreyk uses her animation to convey various messages within her animation through her style of animation and various artistic choices. One of these films that she uses to convey a message is Digitopia. A futuristic world, between utopia and dystopia, populated by strange creatures. The crucial message that is communicated from this animation is that the world should come together to help and make our world a better place for us to live in, and not to destroy it. The animator uses elements of art, sound and objects to convey emotion which helps display the message the film interprets.

Miwa’s use of different aspects of art, contributes immensely to the production of the mood, which therefore helps the message come about. Through the use of black and white within the film, helps create an intense mood of the animation. The bright colours of the animation form the idea of belief and faith which help make the message feel like it is of great importance. These bright colours that are used are aqua blue and red. This use of aqua blue for the sky puts forth a sense of hope, whilst the red stands out from the others and also contributes to sense of hope.  

The use of sound in Miwa’s animation also contributes to creation of the message. The music in the background is slow but repetitive which therefore makes the sound intense. This therefore creates a curious and intense tone. The use of repetition is mainly based on the word ‘Utopia’ which helps convey the meaning about the animation. This aspect of the film makes a large contribution to the message of the film and the films tones.

The films use of objects has a major contribution to the creation of the message. Miwa’s use of hands is one of biggest contributions in the animation. In one of the scenes, the hands are used to massage the cities which help communicate the idea that we must help our homes become better and more useful to the world. Another scene on which the hands are used is when they are portrayed as animals to communicate that we must help animals just as much as ourselves. One other scene that uses hands is when a hand is walking in an area of what used to be a forest but now is a land of deforestation. There is also another stage in the film where scientists are studying cells of the humans which therefore give the impression that people should help each other in any way possible. These objects that are used within the film help to communicate to us the very valuable message of the film.

 As a result, Miwa’s use of art, sound and various objects helps form a message that is of the greatest importance to the world. Through using these elements, Miwa is able to convey the message that the world should come together to help and make our world a better place for us to live in, and not to destroy it. This message is of a great worldwide importance that could be very influential on today’s society. Therefore the film Digitopia is a very influential and has a great level of importance to the world.

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