Sunday 10 March 2013

Recipe for Horror film

Recipe for one Horror Film

1 young beautiful woman
1 boyfriend
1 brother
1 best friend
1 old creepy butler (antagonist)
Skeleton army
Movie goers
Dog walkers
News reporters
1 isolated haunted mansion
1 dark basement
4 dungeons/jail cells
Supernatural Elements:
Many portraits seen around the mansion
Butler wearing black cloak
1 scary mask
Several corpses
Bones everywhere
Bow and arrows
Extra Elements:
Strange sounds (eg. Screaming)
Have a young beautiful woman and her boyfriend, brother her girlfriend which is her best friend drive a car on a lonely road and make the car run out of gas. They all then walk a kilometer further up and there is a driveway with a very isolated haunted mansion. They don’t want to go there but do because it’s pouring rain. Make the woman knock at the door and then have an old creepy butler open it. He then lets then in and gives them a room and says it’s an inn but nobody uses it as no one likes the style of the house. Make him then give them each a room to stay but makes them come to dinner and eat the food. Have the woman; boyfriend, brother and best friend pass out as they have been drugged. Then have them wake up in a dark basement in separate dungeons/jail cells. Let the young beautiful woman find a way out and then slips and goes up a tunnel heading upwards where she climbs and then arrives in the yard where there is multiple graves/corpses spread around and with bones spread around. She is then seen to freak out after she hears a scream. Have her run behind a tree to hide and then make the butler come out in a black cloak with a sword with her best friend. Make him demand her to come out and then she does but as she does he smiles and then slits her throat. The woman falls to the ground and starts to cry. She then picks up a bow and arrow and shoot the arrow at him which hits him in the leg. She runs inside and tries to find her brother and boyfriend and then runs out but as she does, they see the butler has risen the dead/skeleton army and they chase after them. They continue to run but a ghost then jumps into her boyfriends body and tries to kill them. She then while crying shoots it into his head and then runs for the road. They see a truck coming but realize it is filled with skeletons and run a different direction. Make them then find a police-man and begs them to shoot the skeletons which then kill then all. They try to find the butler but are unable to. They find her boyfriends and best friend’s body and bury them. However the butler sneaks behind them and slits both of their throats and then laughs evilly.

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