Wednesday 6 March 2013


For the past week and a half in Media we have been making a film. A production activity. Thi production activity is with a group of 2-3. As he picked the groups, I went with Christie and Shae from our class. After two lessons we came up with a story line for our film. This film was a suspense thriller. The name was Rose. It was about a lone character named Rose that trys to find a person that is leaving a trail of notes for her around her school which is very CREEPY. Then near the end, she was to walk by a classroom that a had someone in it writing repeatedley the name Rose. Then realised this person was a serial killer and then the screen fades and the film ends. This film activity can only be one minute. We then spent 3 and a half lessons filming this with myself as Rose and Christie as the killer. Along the way we had many problems like having to gwt the filming done as soon as possible which was very hard and knowing how to edit. But thank goodness Christie new how to edit on iMovie. Then we had an iMac crash as we started editing which was very frustrating. But in the end we were able to finish. CANT POST FILM UP...

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