Saturday 27 July 2013


Over the weekend I had a big problem with our media arts film. I had made the stupidest mistake on the planet. Well, with that new footage that we filmed. Well I brought it home and plugged it into my computer to transfer. I then plugged my hard drive and other usb's in. I then made folders in each of them for the new footage so I wouldn't loose it. So therefore I was preparing 5 backups. But then I accidentally forgot I didn't transfer it so then I thought I transferred it already after about 15 mins of sorting out. So I unplugged the camera. I then organised my usb's and computer and hard drives. I then realised I had to delete the footage off the camera so I plugged it back in and deleted the footage. I didn't realised what I did until 5mins ago. Now we will able to go back to school and check the camera and see whether I actually deleted it. otherwise we will have to re-film it all again on monaday afternoon. Therefore it wasn't a good weekend for me or our group.

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