Thursday 22 August 2013


I have just exported my film from GarageBand and am currently transferring my film into the the Media Arts Yr 10 Film Submission, on the multimedia drive. The. Instructions for doing that is:
1.       Once you have created your soundtrack in GarageBand, export the audio only using expert settings. Save it as an AIFF file.
2.       Import the soundtrack into Final Cut Pro.
3.       Mute the original audio tracks.
4.       Insert your AIFF file into the audio tracks below
5.       Export your now completed project. Make sure that you name it with your username followed by the film’s title. i.e bandrews_movie_title

Once this is finished I will be having a popcorn day too watch all the films in our class. It should be really fun. After this I will complete my evaluation and hand in that for my submission.

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