Sunday 15 September 2013

Planning 2

Charli walks into room opens box – 20 seconds

Camera goes into box – 27 seconds

Lights turn on – 28 seconds

Georgina and Ilona in room wake up – 29 seconds

Movements – 45 seconds

Close box and leave – 55 seconds

Hand comes out of box – 56 seconds

Coming out of box (iStopMotion) – 59 seconds

Next person coming out faster – 1.02 minutes

Head twitch glitch – 1.05 minutes

Look around – 1.07 minutes

Walk to door – 1.08 minutes

Door opens, come out and zoom out  1.13 minutes

Ilona looking around – 1.15 minutes

Georgina looking around – 1.17 minutes

Charli looks in box and puppets are gone – 1.25 minutes

Low shot of Ilona’s feet and leaves, draws up to see it’s Ilona walking – 1.32 minutes

Georgina white – red – white – 1.34 minutes

Ilona white – red – white – 1.36 minutes

Both Ilona and Georgina side by side as they open their eyes turn red – 1.39 minutes

Georgina running and turns slow motion as merging (front shot)  1.42 minutes

Merge to Ilona running (front shot) – 1.45 minutes

Ilona running (side shot) slow down as jump over log – 1.48 minutes

Merges to Georgina when they land – 1.50 minutes

Charli walks down stairs


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