Monday 4 February 2013

Media Arts 3

Image 1:
This image is a extreme close-up of a receipt on a clipboard from a customer specifically looking at this receipt. The camera is on a slight angle lent to the left of the receipt which make the image more visually interesting and appealing. This shot can be used at any part of a scene. This shot uses the golden triangle technique to make the image more visually appealing.

Image 2:
This image is an extreme long shot of a workplace, most likely to be in an newspaper business. The camera is on a slight angle looking to the right of a hallway, but the main viewing points are to left of the shot. They use horizontal, vertical and diagonal lines to lead the viewer to specific points of the shot.

Image 3:
This image is an medium close-up of a male character looking down to an object in his hands. This camera is on an angle making our viewing point looking up from the right but looking left to a mysterious man waiting to go in an M.Kurtzmann's office. They mainly use horizontal lines and some vertical lines.

What has happened in this scene?
In this scene a man found a debt of records receipt which is shown as a close-up of which therefore could mean the man has found something of great importance or of value. The next shot is a extreme long shot which is shown to be a hallway of people working in a cramped workspace with a man standing above them watching them and making sure they are doing their jobs. This shows that the man has great power and has authority over the workers and is probably the workers boss. The next shot is a medium shot of the pressumed boss looking down at an object in his hand. The shot is taken from a level beneath the head of the man which the camera then looks up at him to help support the idea that he is powerful and is also supported with the lighting and the black and grey colours used in the shot.

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