Friday 1 February 2013

Media Arts First Lesson Back

Yesterday was the first lesson back for creative media, otherwise known now as media arts because of the Australian curriculum. On our first lesson for thhis year, we talked about the different topics we will be studying this year. It is film. We will learn how to analyse film and we will making a short film some time in the year. Therefore Mr Andrews started to move on and start to practive analysing film. We then watched a short clip from the film Alice in Wonderland starring Johnny Depp. He then made us chose a character from this scene and answer questions about them for homework. I chose the Chesire Cat. These were them:

Class Discussion:
Cheshire Cat -
   What type of person is this Character?
This character seems to portray a mysterious and intelligent character but also gives off a sense of a tranquility and wisdom.
  What lead you to feel this about this character?
- His ability to disappear/evaporate
- He can fly/float
- He can talk
- He always has a smart grin on his face
- He seems to know a lot about everything especially when he was talking to Alice
- His fur colour was purple.
- He has a very large body for a normal cat.

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