Sunday 18 November 2012


Part One: Discuss your feelings about the e-pub, poster and commentary task:
1. Are you satisfied with the final result?
I am very satisfied with my final result and am happy with the e-pub I made. Overall I thought my e-pub showed everything I did to make each scene and what happened in the scene. It, in my eyes was very well detailed. However, if I had more time, i would have liked to add information about my deleted scenes, and how I created my music in Garage-band.

2. Did the e-pub require more/less time than you originally thought?
It surprisingly required more time than I originally thought when I was planning my film. This was mainly because I did not have enough time to spend time on the e-pub. This is due to taking to long while taking photos of my characters to create my poster. I would have liked more time to create a chapter about deleted scenes and music but because there wasn't enough time, I wasn't able to.

3. Would like to change any aspects of your final project (layout, links, images, video and audio content, colour scheme etc)?
Aspects of my film I would like to change would be to change how I made the film because when I saw it in QuickTime and I-Movie, the film was blurry and not clear. Another aspect of this project I would change a bit more would be my poster. The poster for me, looked too fake and it didn't turn out the way I wanted it to. Therefore the poster for me was a little disappointing.

4. If you could start the project again what would you do differently?
If I started the project again, I would change my poster so I could improve it to make it more realistic and appealing to audiences today. I would also like to add more to my e-pub through putting deleted scenes information and more information about how I made my music.

Part Two: Respond to each of the following dot points (using complete sentences or paragraphs). You should include as much detail as possible in your responses.
1. Discuss whether your e-pub and poster have turned out the way you pictured them?
The way I pictured them was a bit different from what they have turned out to be but I am happy either way about the way my e-pub have turned out. However my poster for me could have been a lot better than what I had thought it could have been. I also thought I would have been able to put more information into the e-pub but this never happened because I did not have enough time.

2. Explain whether your e-pub and poster clearly depicts the style of your animation and describe some specific design principles that you have used to achieve this:
The e-pub clearly depicts the style of animation used in my film however the poster didn't turn out to be exactly the way it should have been to suit the film because it seems like a dark film in the poster, but really it is a children's film. Therefore the poster doesn't relate to the film the way it should have.

3. Describe any problems or technical difficulties you encountered while creating your director commentaries in Garage-band. These may include; sound or video issues, corrupt or missing files, difficulty using the iBooks Author or Garage-band software, problems importing/exporting files, etc;
Technical difficulties I encountered while creating my directors commentary was:
- Exporting the song/recording of my voice so I could put it into my I-Book
- Recording my voice in a silent spot
- Putting the scenes and the recordings of myself on the e-pub
- Using iBook Author
- Figuring out how to use -book author

4. Did you have all of the necessary resources to complete your e-pub and poster or did you have to create new materials?
During the creation of my e-pub, I did have all the materials I needed to finish it, however it was difficult borrowing the laptop out all the time so I could work on it at home. However sometimes I wasn't able to borrow a laptop out because I wasn't early enough which therefore caused problems with time-management.

5. List the steps you used to plan and develop your project;
- Took photos of characters
- Created my poster on Photoshop
- Wrote what happens in each scene
- Wrote how I made each scene
- Record my self saying what happened in the scene
- Create my e-pub
- Test my e-pub on my iPad

6. Did you use content-lists, flowcharts or other documents during the planning process;
No I did not.

7. Clarify any time-management issues you encountered during the creative process and describe the steps you took to improve in this area;
A time management issue that happened while in the process of my e-pub, was when I tried to take photos of my characters but it also took too long so I didn't get enough time for my e-pub. This also happened when I tried to borrow out a laptop from the library but they were all booked out so that caused problems with time-management.

8. Discuss whether you undertook adequate and detailed reflection throughout your project. i.e. Have you provided enough evidence to support your work? (Look back at your blogs and think about whether it looks like a whole terms worth of work);
In my reflections I think I did well with my reflections but I could have added more detail into them. Therefore I should have done more reflections to improve my grade. And I also should have done more posts on the blog so it would have been a more regular blogger.

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