Sunday 11 November 2012

Chapter 8

About the Scene: In this scene, it is one of the shortest scenes in the film and one of the least important scenes. It is another scene to show the bond created by the two main protagonists of the film. It was one of the shorter scenes which obviously made it easier to create. This scene is mainly about the two main characters showing their friendship by walking through the park once again just like in the third scene of the film however it was to show the two main characters walking away from the jail Sharpie was put in and to enjoy the rest of their day.

How I made the Scene: This scene although a short scene, was one of the easiest scenes to make.  To create this scene, I used the cardboard box that was used in the first and second scenes and with the assistance of A3 blue and green grass like paper; I was able to create the illusion of a park like background. I then used my camera to make use of a long shot of the park, and then the characters would from a spot close to the camera facing the back wall, which therefore creates the other illusion of the characters walking into the distance.

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