Sunday 11 November 2012

Chapter 4

About the Scene: In this fourth scene, it was one of the more important scenes however was  a harder scene to create which therefore took a lot of time to create. It is basically the scene where the plot for the film starts in motion. This scene is where the two main characters say their goodbyes, however Sharpie comes and is trying to run away from the police so therefore pushes Grunt over and therefore injures him which leaves Patchy and Grunt shocked. Then as Grunt is pushed over, Sharpie continues to run away.

How I made the Scene: While in the process of making this scene, I found this scene was one of the most difficult scenes to make. It also was one of the longest scenes in the film therefore making this scene a longer process to develop. To create this scene, I used the cardboard box that was used in the first few scenes and with the assistance of A3 blue and green grass like paper; I was able to create the illusion of a park like background like in first few scenes as well. I then used the camera to start out as a long shot to show the two characters saying their goodbyes, however as Sharpie came from the left side and left to the right side of the camera, the camera was then made to focus on the two main characters individually starting with a close-up shot of Grunt on the floor injured, then moving on to Patchy with a close-up shot showing his shocked face.

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