Sunday 11 November 2012

Chapter 9

About the Scene: This scene was one of the longer scenes in this film and also one of the hardest scenes to create. It was also one of the most important scenes in the film. This scene is about Sharpie getting angry about himself being trapped in jail, but as he shakes the gate too hard, it breaks and falls down. At this moment, Sharpie firstly becomes shocked; however, he then starts his evil laugh as he will try to again steal the Amazing Water-bottle (elixir of life).

How I made the Scene: To create this scene, it was one of the longest scenes in the film and also one of the hardest scenes in the film to create, however it was one of the most important scenes to make. To make this scene, I again used the cardboard box used from the first few scenes. For the background I used the blue and green A3 paper to create the illusion of a park, however, to make the jail set, it was more complicated. I printed out a brick wall from the computer three times and used sticky tape to keep them together. I then shaped so it looked like a separate room, and then used my Harry Potter gate set from home as the gate into the jail where Sharpie would be held. As of the camera position, I started off as a front on full shot of the character in jail, but then I changed the shot to a high shot so we see the character from above as he does an evil laugh.

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