Sunday 11 November 2012

Chapter 1

About the Scene: In this scene, it was one of the most important scenes in my film. It also was the first scene I ever did for my film that was a very big stepping stone for my animating. This scene is of a great importance because it sets the stage for one of the main characters, Sharpie, the main antagonist for the film. It is mainly about Sharpie stealing the ‘Amazing Water Bottle’ from the museum, which he wants so he can live forever which is a seriously powerful object. It is also a scene where the audience really starts to get an idea of the plot.

How I made the Scene: This scene was one of the most important scenes in the film; however it was one of the easiest scenes to create. To create the set for the scene, I needed to make a box made of cardboard so it was easier to not film anything else in the background. Once the box was complete, I used a golden A3 paper to create a floor for the museum. For the back wall, I used another A3 piece of paper so the attention would mainly be focused on the character. While filming, I used an iPevo camera, which made the film come out with a better resolution. While filming the shot I used was full shot of the museum, however Sharpie comes into the frame from the right side and leaves to the left side of the camera.

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