Tuesday 14 May 2013

1st Script

C.H.I.G Productions

Scene begins with a dark corridor slowly coming into focus. There is a girl, Christie, far away down the corridor barely visible. The sound of footsteps echoing is very loud. Christie can hear muffled voices.

Hannah: This is what you deserve.

The shot changes to a canted shot of Christie walking towards the camera. It is still very dark. Voices grow louder.

Hannah: You shall be the fourth person off my list.

Shot changes to a low shot of just the door opening.

Creak of the door. All goes silent.

It then shows Hannah’s hand reaching into her pocket for the gun. Shot quickly changes to the door shutting.

Slam of the door.

Shows Hannah’s hand coming down with the gun behind Christie and hitting her head.

Loud noise as gun hits head.

Shot goes to Christie and as she falls the camera becomes canted and falls with her.

Bang as Christie hits ground.

From Christie’s perspective, sees Hannah’s feet walk past her.

Sound of footsteps.

Eyes go closed, black.

Sound of shuffling and footsteps. Gun click and then bang.

From Christie’s perspective sees Georgina on the ground dead. Georgina’s hand is holding a piece of paper.

Hear heavy breathing.

Shot of Hannah reaching for paper, slowly going unfocused. Then turns black.

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