Tuesday 14 May 2013

2nd Shot-list

This is the Shot-list I did. The 1st shot-list was done by Hannah and Georgina and I did the 2nd one by myself. Hopefully this will turn out good with our awesome planning.

Shot No. Shot Name Scene No. Location Shot Movement Description of Action Characters Lighting Notes
Type Angle Type
1 Waking Up 4 Interview Room Close-up High None Waking up and trying to focus on agent Witness Heavy lighting on character and black shadows behind her
2 Agent 1st Question 4 Interview Room Long Low None Agent will ask question 1 to witness Agent and Witness Low light on agent and powerful lighting on withnesses face on chair with hands tied behind back
3 Question 4 Interview Room Medium Low Move outwards with more of agent
Agent will ask question 1 to witness
Agent Very Dark lighting on agent (unable to see face) with lighting on witness
4 Answer 4 Interview Room Medium Canted High None Witness answering questions with worried expression Witness Heavy lighting on Witness with a powerful shadow behind her
5 Angry Agent 5 Interview Room Medium Close-up Side None Agents voice becomes more impatient and aggressive Agent Light behind agent but dark in front of agent (can't see face)
6 Scared Answer 5 Interview Room Extreme Long Little High Move in towards witness through window Witness answers questions and starts to become scared Witness and Agent on left side Powerful lighting on Witness and little light from behind agent
7 Fist Slam 6 Interview Room Medium Low Follows quick movement of agent Agent gets so frustrated he slams his fist on table and asks the question at same time Agent Dark lighting onpart of face but enough to see face with light in background
8 Fall of Witness 6 Interview Room Medium High None Witness falls back in horror as Agent becomes really angry Witness Powerful lighting on Witness and little lighting behind her
9 Chair and Agent 7 Interview Room Long Low Circles around to left Agent goes around to back of witness and puts his hands on back of chair and leans in on the side of Witness Witness and Agent Bright light on witness and little light on agent but turns into bright light on agent
10 Ear Question 7 Interview Room Medium Low Circles around to left Agent says his aggressive line on left side of witness and witness becomes scared and gulps Witness and Agent Powerful light on both but not as much on agent
11 Watching 8 Interview Room Close-up Normal None Witness watches agent walk around the right side of her Witness and a little bit of Agent Powerful light on Witness
12 Agent Walking 8 Interview Room Close-up Normal Moves with agent Agent says his line and walks towards door Agent Becomes less and less amount of light on Agent
13 Agent and door 8 Interview Room Long Slightly Low Still Agent opens door and walks out but slams door behind him Agent No light to where Agent is walking but little light behind Agent
14 White 9 Interview Room None None None Fades to white None White

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